Monday, 16 June 2008

A Few Thoughts

Contemplating what I have read and heard over the past few weeks, it seems that a consensus is developing on what can be done in the fight against global warming.

1. We must expect some temperature rise and it will likely be above 2 deg C. The question is how much can we limit it above this mark.
2. Cap and Trade of carbon emissions via main energy producers must be done to limit and put a price on carbon
3. We have to get carbon sequestration to work as we will keep on burning coal and therefore must limit the damage.

It is encouraging that some sort of consensus is developing so that we can focus on making it work.

Other lessons are that people will only change (me included) when it hits their pocket - hence the importance of Cap and Trade. Also we will not switch from polluting sources of power to renewables in any meaningful way especially it it will cost us more. Therefore we are dependant on finding ways to limit the damage of our profligate ways - hence the need for sequestration. This cannot be a long term solution but hopefully it will buy us time until we can develop and implement cleaner technologies.

So, not the best solution but hopefully a solution of sorts.

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