Wednesday 30 April 2008

Is It Getting Warmer?

An article on Radio 4 yesterday addressed the fact raised by Nigel Lawson for his new 'sceptic' book - see below- that how come the world's average temperature has not increased since 1998? The argument was that if we use 20 years of rising temperatures to make a case for warming then surely ten years of no increase puts the hypothesis in severe doubt.

They interviewed the ex-BBC Science Editor (I think) who is also now in the sceptic camp. The scientist brought into the give the 'global warming' view said that this was just an analogy that was too be expected in such a complicated system and that there is much other evidence e.g. melting glacier to support the case.

In the end they made a bet, for £100, that there would be a year of significantly higher temperatures before 2011. We shall see.

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